Friday, July 23, 2010

Things I learned this week.

While interacting with people to take all these pictures I learned a a lot about other people and quite a bit about myself as well. There were times when we had to ask a stranger to take our picture because we would hardly get to take picture with the two of us.We would eventually make friends with some of these people too.

Even while we were in our seats at the concert, the people in the row behind us probably thought we were slightly camera happy. But of course, we didn't care at all. We were gonna get as camera drunk as we could at our first ever John Mayer concert.

I also learned that natural, candid shots make the nicest shots and thanks to digital cameras we can take a lot of pictures really fast and choose our best shot. This helps most snap happy people get really professional photos.

Good Pictures?

This is a shot of my friend Neesha walking down Capital Boulevard in Raleigh, NC. We were trying to find a bus stop. It was a long, hot walk. I used the flash for this one.
I suppose this shot takes advice from 2 tips. Use the flash outdoors and Move it from the middle.

This is John Mayer performing Who Says. This is close up shot. I used the zoom feature on my camera for this.

This is yet another awesome shot of John Mayer performing. I didn't use the flash for this one. there was a lot of light from the stage itself. This picture is an example of taking a vertical picture.

Where were we when John Mayer got into an ice cream truck.

I Want Ice Cream

So, I'm guessing Raleigh, NC was not really a much anticipated concert on John Mayer's part at least. He didn't get into any ice cream trucks before he played for us! How tragic. I am not generally a fan of ice cream, but man! if JM handed me one I'd probably at least let it melt in my hands. Okay maybe a few slurps. But damn! That would be so awesome.
I wish we could just go and hang out with him. I mean not to sound fan-like but he just seems like an interesting person to hang out with and maybe play cards or go to a bar with. Like I don't think I idolize John Mayer, I think I like him cos he is smart and his perspective of the world is interesting. And of course his music is just amazing. I respect an non-manufactured artist, I really do. They can have my iTunes gift card and concert ticket money.

This article just goes to show how quirky he is. Like he is closer to normal than most celebrities are and he actually has a claim to be like that. It's cool cos it shows that he's just as normal as we are. The only difference is he can hold a tune, strum the crazy on a guitar and ride around on an ice cream truck WITH the ice cream man's permission.