Saturday, August 14, 2010

Post 10: Whats in store for Chasing a Lyric and a Tune?

Hello all!

Over the next year or so, I plan to develop this blog a bit further. I have discovered I really enjoy doing this and it is n more just a class assignment. I would probably re-organize the blog and include more amazing artists that I discover because music is always better when it is shared. You can definitely expect to see more tales of my music chasing adventures with Neesha and by that time I hope some more people would join us on our adventures. You can expect more artists that are not so mainstream but are amazing and I promise to always keep you updated on a choicest lyrics and tunes.

Stay Tuned!

Join the chase on Spruz!

Hello Everyone!

Social Network Spruz is our second home for our quest for a good lyric and a tune. You can view and discuss videos and songs I post and post pictures and add your own comments on there. There is also a little Social Chat Box on the side where we can all talk. Spruz offers a blog of its own, forums and event postings. This is awesome because if any of you know of great artists like John Mayer, Maroon 5, James Morrison, Daniel Merriweather you can post news and events and information so that we all all better educated music lovers!!

Check it out and become a member and join the chase!

I Want To Be A Part Of The Chase!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Check These Podcasts Out!


Here are 5 interesting podcasts I think you should check out. you can find them when you search for them on iTunes. Quite entertaining!

1. Sly $ the Family Stone -John Mayer
John Mayer's influences and inspirations are quite insightful. I have always been lead to some interesting artists because of JM. In this particular podcast, John Mayer collaborates with blues guitarist Buddy Guy on this fantastic version of "You can make it if you try" by none other than Sly and the Family Stone. In fact, I suggest you go ahead and check out some of their music too!

2. Nikon podcast 3 - John Mayer on Photography and blogs
This podcast was interesting because it shows one of the many various sides to this amazing artist. He talks about photography and his views and takes on it (obviously as it is done by Nikon) but it is still pretty cool. This podcast was cool because it has a lot to do with the things we learn in this class. Photos and blogs! Hey! :)

3.Morning Show with Elvis Duran - John Mayer Calls In!
This podcast is one of my favorites just because its a simple phone interview/conversation but he hits on such important points about artists these days and the 'American idol mania'. They even discuss his venture into comedy and why he does it. He is candid, and humble which is what is quite fascinating about JM. Its like there is more to him than just music and it is always interesting to see that side of an artist. And of course I cannot get over that phone voice of his. :)

4.John Mayer speaks at Berklee
John Mayer speaks at his college Berklee. This is where he attended before he dropped out to pursue his music career.

5.Fender: John Mayer- Inside the 2007 Summer Tour
This video podcast makes me happy and I promise you it will have the same effect on you. JM talks about his love for guitars and his custom made Fender brand guitars. He is an amazing guitar player and its nice to hear him speak about how he has come full circle now that he can design his own guitars after dreaming about specifications and designs for so long. By the way, that white custom made CONTINUUM guitar just melted me. Its just a gorgeous instrument.

Rules I Live By Online

1. Never do it for the money.
2. Always work on a subject I truly care about.
3. Be Honest.
4. Always provide evidence and proof supporting my work if it is not my opinion. NO plagiarism.
5. Be open to criticism.
6. Be accountable for everything I write/post/publish
7. Always write something that I would want to read.
8. Remain neutral in reporting information except when it is my personal opinion.
9. Keep things simple.
10. Verify my information.
11. Never distort my information
12. Never use unethical and immoral means to gather information.
13. Never intrude people’s privacy to gather information.
14. Be sensitive to the voiceless and less fortunate.
15. Always ask permission to photograph and video my subjects I use.
16. Understand and never jeopardize or violate human rights
17. Respect other cultures and cultural boundaries
18. Remain non-partial when gathering information about a certain subject.
19. Correct and clarify my errors as soon as I realize them.
20. Follow all my online rules.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Google Sites

Google Sites is a great collaboration tool for colleagues, classmates, families, and more. THe following is a link to my Google Site. I have embedded my calendar and a document from google docs as per the class assignment.

Google Site hperera